One common feature of psychopathic characters is a chronic suspicious they have of others. Whilst they can give off a superficial initial charm and seem to be a carefree easy going person at first,...
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Films and the media in general tend to portray psychopaths as violent “crazies” with murderous impulses that can be triggered on a whim. This serial killer stereotype of a psychopath is...
The image of the toxic workplace often carries with it the stereotype of the high flying, high paying, corporate job, where the stakes are high, and the atmosphere is super competitive and toxic to...
Gas-lighting - the process of gradually undermining and invalidating a person's self confidence and perception of reality - is generally thought of more in the context of personal relationships. And...
"Duping Delight is the pleasure we get over having someone else in our control and being able to manipulate them" Dr Paul Ekman, psychologist. We already covered in our main article on...
One crucial component of understanding psychopaths is to understand how they approach relationships. How do psychopaths view relationships and are they actually able to value people for themselves...