The psychological concept of mirroring is very important to understand when understanding psychopaths, since they will use it a crucial tool for manipulating their victims. Where does the motivation...
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The film The Wolf of Wall Street, starring Leonardo DiCaprio. is a fantastically over the top, but still broadly accurate depiction of a psychopath in high level Western business, particularly the...
This is the question that often gets asked, since the terms psychopath and sociopath are often bandied about, often without being defined or differentiated. They are often also used interchangeably,...
Dr Harold Shipman (1946-2004) was one of Britain's most notorious serial killers, and undoubtedly it's most prolific one to date. He was charged in 2000 with the murder of 15 patients in his care...
Given how troublesome and toxic psychopaths can be in the workplace, what steps can companies and corporations take to more effectively screen for and filter out psychopaths in their midst? There...
"Almost every day, people who join our forum, they say 'why did I stay in this for so long? How could I have been so stupid?' The way that emotional abuse works is that it targets our most...