One particular type of psychopath to watch out for is the hedonic or hedonistic psychopath. By this we mean the psychopath who on the surface appears to be solely focused on having a good time, of...
Archives: Blog
"When you are in workplaces where the person you report to directly is a psychopath, the key again is document, document, document" Dr Ramani Durvasula Current employee handbooks, codes of...
All the reading in the world cannot immunize you from the devastating effects of psychopaths. Everyone, including the experts, can be taken in, conned and left bewildered by them. A good psychopath...
Managing Workplace Psychopaths (Mid/Upper Level Manager’s Guide)
What is the preferable approach for managing psychopaths in the workplace? Is there a specific way of handling these personality types to ensure everyone including the psychopath themself is kept...
Psychopaths are one of the smallest yet most destructive segments of the population in terms of the emotional and physical damage they cause to others, yet so many of them seem to breeze through life...
Dealing With Anxiety or Palpitations Whenever the Phone Rings
A problem a lot of people are running into in their daily lives nowadays is that they get heart palpitations or anxious responses whenever their phone rings or receives a text. They can startle and...